Park Station - Citizen of the Month - October 2018

David Bolaffi
Park Station extends a heartfelt Congratulations to David Bolaffi who has been selected by Captain Bailey as Citizen of the Month for October.
David Bolaffi has been a longstanding member of Park Station’s Community Policing Advisory Board, where he has exhibited dedication and commitment to many dynamic community events such as National Night Out, The Haight-Ashbury Street Fair, and most recently the Cole Street Fair.
David Bolaffi was born in New York, grew up in Boston, and he is a devoted “Red Socks” fan to this day.  For many years he played in an Adult Recreation Hockey League, which was dear to his heart In 1989, David Bolaffi moved to San Francisco“ one month before the Loma Prieta Earthquake.” Perhaps in response to such a serious and significant incident, David became interested in Public Saftey and later became involved with the ALERT program (Auxiliary Law Enforcement Response Team) where he serves as a Senior Team Lead.
David Bolaffi and his ALERT squad can often be seen working public events as an additional public safety resource.
David Bolaffi is very passionate about the ALERT program and encourages people to visit the ALERT website:
Citizen of the Month