Towed Vehicle Information

Do you think your car has been towed?

Your car may be towed by the San Francisco Police Department for a variety of reasons. It may be parked illegally or appear to be abandoned. The registration may have expired, or parking tickets gone unpaid or it may have been involved in a crime. Your car may also be towed if it has been in an accident or if police determine it is unsafe to drive or if your driver’s license has expired.

To find out if your car has been towed

The majority of cars towed in San Francisco have been parked illegally or abandoned. These tows are managed by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. If you think your car was towed for a parking issue, call the City and County of San Francisco Impound, at 1-415-865-8200 or click here to look for the car online. You will need to provide your license plate number, vehicle description, suspected tow date, and location.

Note: If you cannot confirm your vehicle has been towed, it may have been stolen. To report a stolen vehicle, call the SFPD at 1-415-553-0123.

What if your car has been towed for other reasons?

The SFPD may have ordered a tow because the vehicle was creating a hazard or involved in a crime or your license has expired. In that case, the officer involved may already have given you information on how to retrieve it. If you need more information, call the City and County of San Francisco Impound, at 1-415-865-8200.

Do you need to report a car that should be towed?

Is a car blocking your driveway or the sidewalk? Have you noticed a car parked in one place for more than 72 hours? Call 3-1-1 to report it.

If your car has been towed, how can you get it back?

Vehicles towed by the SFPD for parking violations, non-injury collisions, or recovered stolen vehicles can be retrieved immediately at the City and County of San Francisco Impound, run by Auto Return. Vehicle owners must first obtain a release form from the SFPD. In most cases, the registered owner of the vehicle can obtain the release form by bringing his or her driver’s license and proof of ownership to the nearest police station, where an officer will verify the information. The owner may then pick up the vehicle at:

The City and County of San Francisco Impound (Auto Return) 
450 7th Street (between Harrison St. and Bryant St., around the corner from the Hall of Justice) 
San Francisco, CA 94103 

Click here for information on towing fees.

What if your car was towed for a more serious reason?

If your car was towed because the driver was unlicensed or had a suspended license, you will need to call 415-678-3625 to get a vehicle release.

As the owner of a towed car, you may request a hearing to determine the validity of the tow. Tow hearings are conducted without need for appointments Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM, by calling 415-678-3625. If staff members are unavailable to answer the phone please send an email to for a faster response.

Also please email a photo of your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance to to aid in the release of your vehicle. To avoid delays, do not change the vehicle’s registration to another person’s name.

The SFPD will charge an administrative fee of $194 for all vehicles towed due to an arrest pursuant to Sections 22651(h), 22651(p), and 22655.5 of the Vehicle Code. This is separate from any towing and storage fees that will be charged by the City and County of San Francisco Impound. Fees cannot be waived if the vehicle was towed in the commission of a crime.

What if your car was towed in connection with a criminal investigation?

If your vehicle was towed because of an ongoing criminal investigation, the investigating sergeant must remove any holds on the vehicle before you can get it back. After the hold is removed, you will need to get a vehicle release by emailing a photo of your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance to In the email, please advise the STOP window you would like them to call you to finish processing your release.



What if you want to appeal a towing fee?

As the owner of a towed car, you may request a hearing to determine the validity of the tow. You must do so by mail or by calling 415-678-3625 within 10 days of the tow.

To request a hearing by mail, download the Request for Tow Hearing, available here, and mail it to:

SFPD Traffic Company 1245 3rd Street 
San Francisco, CA 94158

Please include any documents you would like the tow hearing officers to consider.


Call 415-678-3625 and speak to a tow hearings officer without the need for an appointment, Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM. For faster results, please send an email to

The tow hearing officer will determine whether the towing of your vehicle was lawfully conducted under the California Vehicle Code. If the tow was improper, you will be granted a waiver or refund. Financial hardship is not a valid reason for appeal. The only issue evaluated at the tow hearing will be the legality of the tow.

If the hearing officers determine the SFPD tow was improper and the vehicle has already been retrieved from the impound lot, the matter will be referred to the SFMTA for a refund.  

If you require further assistance, you may file a claim against the City and County of San Francisco. For more information about filing a claim, please visit the Office of the City Attorney


How to claim repossessed vehicles:

If your vehicle has been repossessed, please be aware SFPD has small involvement in this issue.

Vehicle owners must go to the Court Liaison Office located at 850 Bryant Street Room #511 and pay a $15 fee acceptable by cash only.

The Court Liaison Office is open Monday through Friday 9 AM - 5 PM. Their main office number is (415) 553-1192.

This is the only location to address this matter. Police Stations and the Legal Office at Police Headquarters will be unable to assist. 

If your car was towed by SFMTA:

Visit the SFMTA website for further information on their appeal process or contact them at:

SFMTA Customer Service Center

11 South Van Ness Avenue 
San Francisco, CA 94103 

Find more Frequently Asked Questions about Your Vehicle Towing Rights.

Fees and Rights

  • SFMTA Towing and Storage Fees
    Tow Fees (Effective July 1. 2023)Amount


    First Tow (reduced fee available only to registered owner of towed vehicle, registered owner’s agent claiming the towed vehicle, or renter of towed vehicle).


    Administrative Fee (other than First Tow or Low Income)$347
    Low Income (fee waiver available only to registered owner or renter of towed vehicle)$0
    One-Time Tow Fee Waiver for People Certified as Experiencing Homelessness$0
    Low-Income Tow Fee$100
    Light Duty Vehicles under 10,000 GVW (e.g., cars, light duty trucks, vehicles with trailers, unattached trailers, motorcycles, and scooters)$286
    Medium Duty Vehicles over 10,000 GVW (e.g., trucks, buses, and unattached trailers)$286
    Dolly Fee$51
    Storage Fees (Effective July 1. 2023)Amount
    **Storage fees charged to registered or legal owner, or owner’s agent claiming the towed vehicle; storage fees waived if vehicle is picked up within four hours of arrival at storage facility** 
    Storage Fee – Motorcycles/Scooters – first 24 hours or part thereof$24
    Storage Fee – Motorcycles/Scooters – every full calendar day (or part thereof) following the first 24 hours$29
    Storage Fee – Light Duty Vehicles (other than motorcycles/scooters) – first 24 hours or part thereof$62
    Storage Fee – Light Duty Vehicles (other than motorcycles/scooters) – every full calendar day (or part thereof) following the first 24 hours$74
    Storage Fee – Medium Duty Vehicles – first 24 hours or part thereof$86
    Storage Fee – Medium Duty Vehicles – every full calendar day (or part thereof) following the first 24 hours$102
    Storage Fee – Heavy Duty Vehicles – first 24 hours or part thereof$126
    Storage Fee – Heavy Duty Vehicles – every full calendar day (or part thereof) following the first 24 hours$152


  • Rights When Your Vehicle is Towed

    CVC 22658(m): Tow operators must notify the SFPD of the tow within 30 minutes after removing a vehicle.

    CVC 22658(n)(1)(A): A towed vehicle must be stored within 10 miles of the property from which it was towed.

    CVC 22658(n)(2)(A): You have the right to contact a towing firm to arrange the release of your vehicle 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

    CVC 22658 (i) (1) (A) A charge for towing or storage, or both, of a vehicle under this section, is excessive if the charge exceeds the greater of the following:

    (i) That which would have been charged for that towing or storage, or both, made at the request of a law enforcement agency under an agreement between a towing company and the law enforcement agency that exercises primary jurisdiction in the city in which is located the private property from which the vehicle was, or was attempted to be, removed, or if the private property is not located within a city, then the law enforcement agency that exercises primary jurisdiction in the county in which the private property is located.

    (ii) That which would have been charged for that towing or storage, or both, under the rate approved for that towing operator by the Department of the California Highway Patrol for the jurisdiction in which the private property is located and from which the vehicle was, or was attempted to be, removed.

    CVC 22658 (j) (1) A person who charges a vehicle owner a towing, service, or storage charge at an excessive rate, as described in subdivision (h) or (i), is civilly liable to the vehicle owner for four times the amount charged.

    (2) A person who knowingly charges a vehicle owner a towing, service, or storage charge at an excessive rate, as described in subdivision (h) or (i), or who fails to make available their rate as required in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (i), is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), or by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than three months, or by both that fine and imprisonment.

    Maximum Towing & Storage Fees

    Administrative Fees

    (does not include tow fees below)

    • Repeat tows: $347
    • First-time tow: $293
    • Low-income*: $0

    Tow Fees

    (does not include administrative fees above)

    • One-time waiver for those experiencing homelessness*: $0
    • Low-income*: $100
    • All others: $286


    • First four hours: $0
    • First day after first 4 hours: $62
    • Subsequent days: $74
    • Dolly (if applicable): $51

    *must show proof of eligibility


San Francisco Police Department

Safety with Respect for All.