
Annual SFPD Community Survey

Annually, starting in 2023, the SFPD has worked with an external national-level research group to conduct random surveys of San Francisco residents and their opinions about the SFPD and the work it performs. Results can be found at the following links:

October 2023: Community Survey

In the Fall of 2023, the SFPD partnered with the Emerson College Polling Center, a nationally recognized polling organization and academic institution to conduct a city-wide poll on perceptions of the SFPD. 


August 2018: Community Research for New Website

One of our most important focuses for the new San Francisco Police Department Website Redesign process was to speak with the community to gain insights into how the website should be structured, what content is important and what visual tone and feel would resonate best with our community.

July 2016: Chief of Police Community Input and Department Input Surveys

As part of the recruitment process for the next San Francisco Chief of Police, Ralph Andersen & Associates in July, 2016 launched a Community Input survey and a Department Input survey on behalf of the San Francisco Police Commission.

We welcome your feedback, please provide us your input.

San Francisco Police Department

Safety with Respect for All.