SFPD Officer Arrested Following Internal Affairs Probe 18-004

SFPD Officer Arrested McCall Booking Photo

In September of 2017, the San Francisco Police Department Internal Affairs Criminal Division was notified of possible off duty criminal conduct committed by an SFPD officer. The officer was removed from his assignment in the Field Operations Bureau and assigned to a nonpublic contact position.

Upon completion of the investigation an arrest warrant was issued for Justin McCall, age 30, of San Francisco.  McCall is a four year veteran of the Department. On January 8, 2018 at approximately 1:00 PM, McCall, was arrested and booked into San Francisco County Jail on the charges of sexual assault when the victim is prevented from resisting by an intoxicating substance, and for sexual assault of a victim who was unconscious or asleep. McCall has been suspended without pay.  His booking photo accompanies this news release.

The San Francisco Police Department thanks the District Attorney’s Office for its assistance during this investigation. The public’s trust is of the utmost importance to the members of the SFPD and the Department will continue to work hard to build and maintain this trust. As San Francisco Police Chief William Scott has stated, Department members will continue to hold each other accountable and will act swiftly to report any behavior that might bring dishonor to the police department and the City of San Francisco.

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