SFPD Make Arrest in Vandalism of Police Vehicle During World Series Celebration

During the night of the World Series Celebration, numerous acts of malicious mischief occurred throughout the City which resulted in twelve police vehicles being vandalized.

On November 14, 2014, San Francisco Police arrested 19 year old Ryan Douglas London of San Francisco on one count of felony vandalism. London participated in the vandalism of a police vehicle during the World Series celebration on the night of October 29, 2014. The damage sustained by the vehicle was valued to be in excess of $10,000.

Investigators from the Special Investigations Division combed through video evidence over a two week period which led to identifying London. London was also identified through evidence found on his person at the time of arrest. London was arrested in the area where the vandalism occurred.

There were a total of 12 police vehicles that were damaged and vandalized during the night of the World Series celebration.

Anyone with information regarding these vandalism incidents if occurred to contact Sgt. Tony Damato of the Special Investigations Division at 415-553-1449 or the Anonymous Tip Line at 415-575-4444.

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