SFPD Officer Honored In California State Legislature by LGBT Caucus (17-093)

Photo of Officer Connell holding the award

On Monday, June 19, 2017, the California Legislative Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Caucus held a special ceremony during the floor session of the California State Legislature to honor San Francisco Police Department Officer Mikayla Connell. The LGBT Caucus recognized Officer Connell for her efforts in helping advance the cause of LGBT equality and for being an inspiration to the LGBT community and its allies here in California and around the country. Officer Connell was presented with a resolution in commemoration of her accomplishments and contributions to the LGBT community. The LGBT Caucus Previous honorees represent pioneers in arts, law, business, and public service.

Officer Connell joined the San Francisco Police Department in 2014. Officer Connell is SFPD’s first transgender female to become a fulltime officer. Officer Connell’s accomplishments include being the Vice Chair of the Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination (CDOGID), the first Chair Person for the Transgender Law Center, member of the Board of Directors for San Francisco Pride, and the President of San Francisco Pride from 2006 to 2010. Officer Connell also served as an Infantry Sergeant for the U.S Army. Officer Connell is currently assigned to Mission Station.

“Officer Mikayla Connell is a great example of how our department is strengthened through the diverse backgrounds of our members,” said SFPD Chief William Scott. “Officer Connell’s commitment to the community is one of the many ways she goes above and beyond the call of duty.”
