SFPD Internet Crimes Against Children Unit (ICAC) Arrested John Morrison in Internet Child Pornography Investigation

In November 2016 the San Francisco Police Department InternetCrimesAgainstChildren Unit (ICAC) began an investigation into an individual who was uploading and trading graphic child pornography through a chat messenger application.
As the result of the investigation, the ICAC unit was able to identify the source of the child pornography being uploaded as a residence on the unit block of Newton Street in San Francisco.
On March 13, 2017 SFPD investigators executed a search warrant at that residence. During the search warrant investigators located numerous media devices belonging to one of the residents. The devices contained hundreds of child pornography videos and images depicting minors engaged in sexual acts with adults.
The resident was identified as John Morrison, a seventy-one year-old male. Investigators arrested Morrison when he arrived at his residence after the search warrant was served.
During the search warrant it was determined that Morrison taught film production and screening classes to young children in Marin County. Morrison was also identified as being the Education Director at a film institute in Marin County.
Morrison was later booked for possession of child pornography, possession of over 600 files of child pornography, and distribution of child pornography.
The investigation into Morrison’s involvement in children programs is on-going.
If you feel you may have been a victim or have had any suspicious contact with John Morrison please contact the Special Victims Unit (415) 558-5500.
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