Officer Involved Shooting at Bryant & Jack London Alley

SFPD officers were assigned to conduct crime suppression in the area of AT&T Park due to the high number of vehicles and fans in the area for the game. This involves abating vehicle burglaries and other crimes that may be committed while fans are inside AT&T Park or in the area to watch the game. At approximately 9 PM, officers observed a suspicious vehicle that appeared to be casing the area. Officers conducted surveillance on the vehicle and observed it park in the area of Jack London Alley and Bryant Street. The suspects committed a vehicle burglary on a Mercedes SUV parked on Jack London Alley and returned to their 4 door vehicle. Officers approached that vehicle to make contact with the suspects. As officers approached, they observed a handgun in the driver's possession. The officer ordered the driver to drop the handgun but he did not comply and forced the officer to discharge his firearm in defense of himself and others. The driver and rear passenger was struck by gunfire. The front passenger exited the vehicle and fled on foot. He was apprehended by additional responding officers approximately 50-60 feet east of Jack London on Bryant. The two suspects hit by gunfire were transported to SFGH. The driver was pronounced dead at the hospital. The second suspect hit by gun fire is expected to survive.

The suspect's firearm was recovered at the scene. The stolen property that was taken from the Mercedes SUV was recovered inside the suspect vehicle. The suspect that was not taken to the hospital was transported to Southern Station to be interviewed by investigators. This is still an active investigation. The officer who discharged his firearm will be on 10-day administrative leave, which is standard protocol.


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