Notes Used in the Presentation at the December 17, 2019 Town Hall to Address the December 7th Officer Involved Shooting 19-141(c)

The officer involved shooting (OIS) incident that occurred on December 7th, 2019 at 23rd St. / Mission St. was preceded by two separate incidents, which we believe relevant to the OIS. The incidents occurred in close proximity to the location of the OIS, and include a hot prowl burglary report, and a report of a male subject tampering with vehicles. The officers who responded as the primary unit to the hot prowl burglary and vehicle tampering call were the same two officers who were involved in the officer involved shooting.
The precise chronology of the incidents is currently under investigation. The following is a summary of the events as they are understood as of 12/17/19:
- At 7:47 AM, the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management received a 911 call reporting a hot prowl burglary in the 900 block of Capp Street. At 7:49 AM, officers began a response to the area and arrived on scene at 7:52 AM.
- In this incident, officers responded to an “A” priority call for a report of a male subject that had forced open the door of a residential apartment (hot prowl burglary). When officers arrived on scene, they contacted the victim and learned that the suspect had left on foot prior to their arrival.
- A description of the hot prowl suspect was provided by the 911 caller to both the dispatcher and the officers once they arrived on scene.
- The description is as follows: Average height male, slim build, “might have been Latino but I don’t know,” short dark hair, facial hair, age in 20’s or 30’s, dark jacket, “maybe dark pants,” “casual clothing.” The victim stated, “I didn’t see a hat” when asked by officers on scene.
- While officers were in the apartment building investigating the hot prowl burglary, a second 911 call was received by the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management. In this call, the 911 caller reported observing a male subject hitting car windows and attempting to break into police cars that were parked on the street in the area of 25th St. / Capp St.
- The second call was received at 8:12AM.
- The primary officers who responded to the hot prowl burglary learned of the second 911 call involving the male attempting to break into cars.
- A description of the vehicle tampering suspect was provided to the dispatcher from the 911 caller: Hispanic male, black leather coat, “probably 35” years of age, black baseball cap, 5’8” or 5’9”, “pretty aggressive, mannerisms look like he is on drugs, but he is quite clean cut, so I don’t know.” Headed north towards 24th St.
- The officers identified similarities between the description of the suspect from the hot prowl burglary call and the vehicle tampering call.
- The officers then began a search of the area in their patrol vehicle. At 8:34 AM, while searching the area, the officers observed a male subject crossing the street in front of their patrol car at 23rd St. / Mission St. The subject was later identified as Jamaica Hampton.
- The officers observed similarities between the physical characteristics and clothing description of the suspect and Mr. Hampton.
- The officers then pulled their vehicle to the side of the road, intending to contact Mr. Hampton.
- As the passenger side officer opened his door to step out of the vehicle, Mr. Hampton aggressively advanced into the open car door area where the passenger seat officer was seated.
- Mr. Hampton was armed with a glass bottle in his hand while attacking the officer.
- The passenger officer kicked at Mr. Hampton while swiveled in his seat with his feet up to protect himself. The passenger officer backed up within the vehicle onto the center console to create distance between himself and Mr. Hampton.
- The officer driving the vehicle then exited and began to run around the rear of the vehicle to assist the passenger officer.
- Mr. Hampton then attacked the driver officer, beating him repeatedly in the head and face with a thick glass vodka bottle from a standing position, knocking the driver officer onto the ground. The driver officer was injured, sustaining lacerations to the cheek and back of his head. The injured driver officer attempted to stand to perform baton strikes before being knocked to the ground a second time. The injured driver officer lost control of his baton when he was knocked to the ground. His BWC was knocked off of his uniform onto the ground and was not activated.
- The injured driver officer, suffering from head injuries, ran eastbound on 23rd St to put distance between himself and Mr. Hampton. Mr. Hampton, while still holding the glass bottle, chased the injured driver officer on the south sidewalk of 23rd St.
- The passenger officer interrupted Mr. Hampton’s pursuit of the injured driver officer by drawing and pointing his firearm at Mr. Hampton. Both officers drew their firearms and shouted repeated verbal commands to Mr. Hampton to “Get on the ground.”
- Mr. Hampton stopped on the sidewalk, paused briefly, and turned toward the officers.
- Mr. Hampton then ran a short distance on the south sidewalk and re-entered the roadway.
- Officers gave additional verbal commands for Mr. Hampton to get on the ground and the passenger officer deployed OC spray (commonly known as pepper spray), which failed to stop Mr. Hampton’s actions.
- Mr. Hampton then ran onto the north sidewalk, and ran westbound.
- Shortly thereafter, Mr. Hampton ran into the roadway between two parked cars in the direction of the passenger officer. Mr. Hampton was still holding the glass bottle and closed the distance between himself and the passenger officer. The passenger officer discharged his issued duty weapon.
- After being shot, Mr. Hampton went down to the ground, rose to his knees and then began to move in the direction of the injured driver officer. The injured driver officer discharged his duty weapon.
- The officers immediately rendered medical aid until responding emergency medical personnel arrived at the scene.
- Mr. Hampton was transported to ZSFGH for treatment.
- The injured driver officer was also treated at ZSFGH.
Additional Information:
- Only Mr. Hampton was struck by gunfire during this incident. Based on the review of Body Worn Camera video, we have preliminarily determined that Mr. Hampton was struck three times by gunfire.
- Mr. Hampton was treated for life threatening injuries at ZSFGH.
- Preliminary evidence indicates that the passenger officer fired six (6) rounds from his firearm. The injured driver officer fired one (1) round from his firearm.
- The bottle was recovered at the scene. It was determined to be a 200ml Grey Goose vodka bottle.
- The incident was captured on the BWC of the passenger officer.
- The Body Worn Camera of the injured driver officer was knocked off of his uniform during the struggle with Mr. Hampton and not activated.
- Three nearby businesses provided video which, when viewed in succession, provides substantial video coverage of the incident from multiple angles.
- Additional video is being sought by investigators. The area is still being canvassed for additional video.
- Seven independent witnesses to the OIS incident have been interviewed to date.
- Additional witnesses are being sought by investigators.
- Witnesses have been interviewed related to the hot prowl call and vehicle tampering prior to the OIS.
- The San Francisco District Attorney’s office filed charges against Mr. Hampton on 12/16/19. The charges consisted of:
- 245(a)(1) PC – Assault with a Deadly Weapon (2 Counts)
- 245(c) PC – Assault Upon a Peace Officer with Force Likely to Cause Great Bodily Injury (2 Counts)
- 69(a) PC – Threat to Executive Officer
- 594(b)(1) PC – Vandalism More Than $400 (2600 blk. Mission St.)
Involved Members:
- The officers involved in this Officer Involved Shooting are:
- Officer Sterling Hayes
- Officer Christopher Flores
- The Independent Investigations Bureau (IIB) of the District Attorney’s Office and the Investigative Services Detail are conducting an investigation into the incident.
- The Department of Police Accountability is conducting an independent administrative investigation.
- The SFPD Internal Affairs Division unit is conducting an administrative investigation.
Additional Investigation(s):
- Investigators are in the process of determining if any other related incidents occurred in this area prior to the Officer Involved Shooting.