General Orders
Department General Orders (DGOs) are the Department’s most authoritative and permanent directives, established, revised and adopted by the Police Commission after a public hearing for the overall administration and management of the Department and the general conduct of all members. DGOs receive input from the Department of Accountability, the City Attorney’s Office, Stakeholders, Workgroups, Unions impacted, the Police Commission, and members of the public before being finalized.
DGOs establish polices for uniform enforcement of laws and outline the procedure to be followed in the delivery of service to the community. DGOs remain in effect until amended, superseded or rescinded by the Police Commission. DGOs are initiated by either the Police Department or the Police Commission.
- 1.01 - 1.08 Organizational Structure and Function
- DGO1.01 "Organizational Structure" (Revised 09/13/99)
- DGO1.02 "District Boundaries" (Revised 07/19/15)
- DGO1.03 "Duties of Patrol Officers" (Revised 04/17/96)
- DGO1.04 "Duties of Sergeants" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO1.05 "Duties of Station Personnel" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO1.06 "Duties of Superior Officers" (Effective 08/24/94)
- DGO1.07 "Duties of Command Officers/Field Operations Bureau" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO1.08 "Community Policing" (Effective 02/10/21, Rescinds DGO 03-11)
- 2.01 - 2.09 Rules of Conduct
- DGO2.01 "General Rules of Conduct" (Revised 09/06/23, Effective 10/18/23)
- DGO2.02 "Alcohol Use by Members" (Revised 09/06/23, Effective 10/18/23)
- DGO2.03 "Use of Intoxicants or Drugs by Sworn Department Members" (Revised 09/06/23, Effective 10/18/23)
- DGO2.04 "Citizen Complaints Against Officers" (Effective 05/15/19)
- DGO2.05 "Citizen Complaints Against Non-Sworn Members" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO2.06 "Vehicle Collisions Involving Members" (Revised 02/12/97)
- DGO2.07 "Discipline Process for Sworn Officers" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO2.08 "Peace Officer's Rights" (Revised 05/03/23)
- DGO2.09 "Personal Use of Social Media" (Effective 09/21/16)
- 3.01 - 3.19 Administration
- DGO3.01 "Department Written Directives" (Revised 07/13/22)
- DGO3.02 "Terms and Definitions" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO3.03 "Facilities Management" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO3.04 "Purchasing Policy and Procedures"
- DGO3.05 "Department Weapon Return Panel" (Revised 10/04/23) (Effective 11/09/23)
- DGO3.06 "Residence Certification" (Revised 05/07/19)
- DGO3.07 "Department Accident Board of Review" (Revised 09/14/22)
- DGO3.08 "Court Appearances by Members" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO3.09 "Department Awards" (Revised 04/13/22)
- DGO3.10 "Firearm Discharge Review Board" (Revised 09/21/05)
- DGO3.11 "Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving" (Effective 07/20/94)
- (Rescinded 09/28/11 with DGO 1.08)
- DGO3.12 "Department Training Plan" (Published 7/18/24)
- DGO3.13 "Field Training Program" (Effective 02/23/24)
- DGO3.14 "Civil Legal Process" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO3.15 "Personal Property Claims" (Revised 06/18/97, Effective 07/15/97)
- DGO3.16 "Release of Police Reports" (Effective 12/12/18)
- DGO3.17 "Department Identification Cards" (Effective 12/14/22)
- DGO3.18 "Performance Improvement Program" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO3.19 "Early Intervention System" (Revised 02/21/07)
- 4.01 - 4.02 Station Operations
- DGO4.01 "Booking and Detention of Prisoners": On 12/11/96, the Police Commission rescinded DGO4.01. The primary authority regarding the booking and detention of prisoners is found here: The Department's Booking and Detention Manual (DM 12)
- DGO4.02 "Accepting Bail" (Effective 07/20/94)
- 5.01 - 5.25 Enforcement and Legal Aspects
- DGO5.01 "Use of Force" (12/18/23)
- DGO5.02 "Use of Firearms" (Revised 03/16/11) (Rescinded 12/21/16)
- DGO5.03 "Investigative Detentions" (Revised 05/12/21)
- DGO5.04 "Arrests by Private Persons" (Effective 11/18/20)
- DGO5.05 "Response and Pursuit Driving" (Revised 05/22/13)
- DGO5.06 "Citation Release" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO5.07 "Rights of Onlookers" (Revised 09/06/23)
- DGO5.08 "Non-Uniformed Officers" (Revised 05/15/96)
- DGO5.09 "Absentia Bookings and Prisoner Security" (Revised 11/02/05)
- DGO5.10 "False Alarms" (Revised 02/28/07)
- DGO5.11 "Outside Agency Reports and Responses" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO5.12 "Search Warrants Related to Drug and Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO5.13 "Diplomatic Immunity" (Effective 07/20/94)
- DGO5.14 "Interagency Operations" (Effective 05/17/95)
- DGO5.15 "Enforcement of Immigration Laws" (Rev. 01-08-20)
- DGO5.16 "Search Warrants" (Revised 09/06/23, Effective 01/19/24)
- DGO5.17 "Policy Prohibiting Biased Policing" (08/12/20)
- DGO5.18 "Prisoner Handling And Transportation" (05/14/08)
- DGO5.20 "Language Access Services for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Persons" (10/17/07)
- DGO5.21 The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Response to Person in Crisis Calls for Service (12/21/16)
- DGO5.22 Interacting with Transgender, Gender-Variant, and Nonbinary Individuals
- DGO5.23 Interactions with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals
- DGO5.24 Disengagement Procedures
- DGO5.25 Foot Pursuits
- 6.01 - 6.20 Investigation
- DGO6.01 "Crime Scene Log" (Rescinded 12/01/23)
- DGO6.02 "Physical Evidence and Scene Preservation" (Revised 06/14/23)
- DGO6.03 "Underwater Diving Operations" (Revised 05/20/20)
- DGO6.04 "Assaults on Police Officers" (Effective 06/23/23)
- DGO6.05 "Death Cases" (Effective 09/21/23)
- DGO6.06 "Tarasoff Incidents" (Revised 07/10/96)
- DGO6.07 "Dog Complaints" (Effective 07/27/94)
- DGO6.08 "Aggressive Soliciting" (Effective 07/27/94)
- DGO6.09 "Domestic Violence" (Effective 10/22/22)
- DGO6.10 "Missing Persons" (Revised 09/13/99)
- DGO6.11 "Obstruction of Streets and Sidewalks" (Effective 07/27/94)
- DGO6.12 "Arrests of Persons on Parole or Probation" (Effective 07/27/94)
- DGO6.13 "Prejudice-Based Incidents" (Revised 06/12/96)
- DGO6.14 "Psychological Evaluation of Adults" (Effective 07/27/94)
- DGO6.15 "Property Processing" (Effective 07/27/94)
- DGO6.16 "Sexual Assaults" (Revised 08/06/08, Effective 08/06/08)
- DGO6.17 "Taxicab Regulations" (Effective 05/16/07)
- DGO6.18 "Warrant Arrests" (Effective 07/27/94)
- DGO6.19 "Victim of Violent Crime Notification" (Revised 11/07/20)
- DGO6.20 "Member-Involved Domestic Violence" (Revised 06/05/24) (Effective 07/19/24)
- 7.01 - 7.04 Juvenile
- DGO7.01 "Juvenile Policies and Procedures" (Effective 05/14/08)
- DGO7.02 "Psychological Evaluation of Juveniles" (Revised 08/04/04)
- DGO7.03 "Dissemination of Information Regarding Registered Sex Offenders" (Effective 02/23/24)
- DGO7.04 "Children of Arrested Parents" (Effective 05/07/14)
- 8.01 - 8.12 Critical Incidents
- DGO8.01 "Critical Incident Evaluation and Notification" (Revised 05/03/23)
- DGO8.02 "Hostage and Barricaded Suspect Incidents" (Effective 08/18/22)
- DGO8.03 "Crowd Control" (Effective 08/03/94)
- DGO8.04 "Critical Incident Response Team" (Revised 02/14/24)
- DGO8.05 "Labor Disputes" (Effective 08/24/94)
- DGO8.06 "Fire Procedures" (Effective 08/03/94)
- DGO 8.07 Hazardous Material Incidents (Revised 03/01/17)
- DGO8.08 "Bomb Threats, Destructive Devices, Explosions" (Effective 01/07/15)
- DGO8.09 "Media Relations" (Effective 08/24/94)
- DGO8.10 "Guidelines for First Amendment Activities" (Revised 10/01/08)
- DGO8.11 "Investigation of Officer Involved Shootings and Discharges" (Revised 09/21/05)
- DGO8.12 "In-Custody Deaths" (Effective 04/16/09)
- 9.01 - 9.07 Traffic
- DGO9.01 "Traffic Enforcement" (Revised 09/06/23)
- DGO9.02 "Vehicle Crashes" (Revised 09/06/23, Effective 10/17/23)
- DGO9.03 "Mandatory Blood Tests for Drivers Under the Influence" (Revised 03/18/98, Effective 04/01/98)
- DGO9.04 "Seat Belt Policy" (Revised 03/06/24) (Effective 07/16/24)
- DGO9.05 "Traffic Citation Control" (Revised 03/06/24) (Effective 05/08/24)
- DGO9.06 "Vehicle Tows" (Effective 07/10/96)
- DGO9.07 "Restricting The Use of Pretext Stops" (Effective 07/17/24)
- 10.01 - 10.11 Uniform and Equipment
- DGO10.01 "Uniform and Equipment Classes" (Effective 8/10/94)
- DGO10.02 "Equipment" (Revised 04/17/24)
- DGO10.03 "Helmet Identification" (Effective 8/10/94)
- DGO10.04 "Pic Radios" (Effective 11/10/03)
- DGO10.05 "Weapons and Protective Equipment Inspection" (Effective 8/10/94)
- DGO10.06 "Uniform and Equipment Issuance and Replacement" (Effective 8/10/94)
- DGO10.07 "Use of Cellular Telephones" (Revised 7/10/96)
- DGO10.08 "Use of Computers and Peripheral Equipment" (Effective 03/29/02)
- DGO10.09 "Computer Management Committee" (Rescinded 09/28/23)
- DGO10.10 "Motor Fleet" (Rev. 07/07/04)
- DGO10.11 Body Worn Cameras (Rev. 11/10/20)
- 11.01 - 11.13 Personnel
- DGO11.01 "Personnel Compensation" (Effective 08/24/94)
- DGO11.02 "Secondary Employment" (Effecitve 08/10/94)
- DGO11.03 "Jury Duty" (Effective 08/10/94)
- DGO11.04 "Peer Support Program" (Effecitve 12/09/09)
- DGO11.05 "Qualifications for Specific Units" (Revised 08/10/94)
- DGO11.06 "Personnel Transfers" (Revised 09/14/99)
- DGO11.07 "Discrimination and Harassment" (Revised 05/20/20)
- DGO11.08 "Grooming Standards" (Rev. 06/14/23)
- DGO11.09 "Employee Assistance Program/Stress Unit" (Rev. 06/23/04)
- DGO11.10 "Physical Fitness and Wellness Evaluation Program" (Revised 05/20/20, Effective 05/20/20)
- DGO11.11 "Intervention and Resource Program" (Effective 03/17/21)
- DGO11.12 "Return to Work/Reasonable Accommodation" (Revised 01/07/04, Effective 01/07/04)
- DGO11.13 "Directed and Recommended Referrals to the SFPD Behavioral Science Unit" (Effective 07/12/2023)