Technology Blue Lines and Light Abstract

19B Surveillance Technology Policies

In 2019, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors passed the Acquisition of Surveillance Technology Ordinance banning the use of Facial Recognition Technology, with limited exceptions, and requiring public posting of current surveillance technologies in possession or use by city departments. The ordinance also requires the Committee on Information Technology (COIT) to help develop, review and approve policies for all surveillance technologies in possession or in use by each City department before sending their recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. 19B requires each policy to be approved by the COIT, City Department, the Mayor, the City Attorney and the Board of Supervisors. 

This City Ordinance defines a “Surveillance Technology” as: A software, electronic device, system using an electronic device, or similar device used, designed, or primarily intended to collect, retain, process, or share audio, electronic, visual, location, thermal, biometric, olfactory or similar information specifically associated with, or capable or being associated with, any individual or group.

Below is the inventory list of Surveillance Technologies that SFPD uses or has in its possession. Each technology listed is required to have a policy approved through the processes outlined in SF Admin Code 19B.  This page will be updated as each policy is approved.

Current Surveillance Technology Inventory

Analysis software (Genemapper, Verogen sequencing software, STRmix)

Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR)

Body Worn Cameras (Axon)

Cell Hawk

City Department Surveillance Cameras

Cogent ABIS (Automatic Biometric Identification System)

CommPort Tech (Under Vehicle Camera)

Data Extraction Tools

Dataminr First Alert

DataWorksPlus Digital Crime Scene system

DataWorksPlus Digital Photo Manager system

Fiber Optic Camera 

FLIR Voyager cameras

Forensic Toolkit, or FTK

GPS Tracking Device

HNT Throw Phone / Camera

IP Cameras (Digital Cameras)

Life Tech 7500 or RT-PCR instruments

Life Technology 3500 and 3130xl Capillary Electrophoresis instruments

Lil Ears Microphone

Magnet Forensics

MicroBlink Scanning

Non-City Entity Drone Detection System

Non-City Entity Surveillance Cameras

OpenText™ EnCase™ Forensic

Pen Link "PLX"

Pole Camera

Qiagen EZ1 or EZ2 extraction robots

Qiagen Qiacubes

Recon Scout camera

RFID Scanner

SeaFLIR II camera


SWAT Camera 

Tactical Electronics Fiber Scope camera


Under Door Camera 

Vertmax Camera