Loma Prieta at 35: Stories from our First Responders

Presented by Guardians of the City First Responders Museum and the San Francisco History Association

Open to the public! First Responders and SFHA members get in free; general admission is $10

October 17 marks the 35th anniversary of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Registering 6.9 on the Richter Scale, it struck during the World Series, becoming the first earthquake to be televised worldwide. Many have memories of experiencing the quake, but what was it like to be a First Responder who served during this disaster? What did they do and see? Do they think we are ready for the next “Big One”? 

Join us as we talk to these San Francisco First Responders: 

  • Carl Koehler, SF Sheriff’s Office, retired 
  • Gerry Shannon, SF Fire Department, retired 
  • Larry Masterman, Paramedic Division, Dept. of Public Health, retired 
  • Reno Rapagnani, SF Police Department, retired 
  • Assistant Chief David Lazar, SF Police Department 

Questions about the event? Please contact Jamie O’Keefe, GOTC Curator: [email protected] or the SFHA: [email protected]

Event Type
Community Event