Sandy Young

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REWARD $100,000 Sandy Young The Mayor’s office has authorized a $95,000 reward and the Carole Sund/Carrington Memorial reward Foundation has offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person/persons responsible for the death of Sandy Young. Sandy was found floating in the Bay near Treasure Island on December 2, 2005. Her vehicle, a silver Scion, was found parked on Yerba Buena Island on December 1, 2005. To date, all possible leads have been followed, and the investigation of this homicide is still ongoing. Persons with information or questions are urged to contact Inspector Gaynor or Inspector Silas of the SFPD Homicide Detail at 415-553-9028 or 415-553-1145 during business hours, and at the Operations Center 415-553-1071 at all other times. The Anonymous Tip Line is 415-575-4444. Case #051 357 977