Mayor Breed Introduces a $27.6 million Supplemental to the Board of Supervisors for Police Coverage 23-020

San Francisco Mayor London Breed introduces a $27.6 million budget supplemental to the Board of Supervisors to ensure continued police presence throughout the City and to expand hiring and presence of Community Ambassadors in community, business, and commercial corridors.

Police staffing is a national crisis impacting the hiring and retention of law enforcement personnel in multiple major cities, including San Francisco. The San Francisco Police Department has a staffing shortage of 541 officers compared to a baseline independently set by the Matrix Consulting Group--an independent consultation firm nationally recognized for their extensive work on data analytics for law enforcement staffing- and validated by the Board of Supervisors and San Francisco Police Commission. Additionally, 21% of the sworn officers are eligible for retirement at the end of this fiscal year. These historic staffing limitations have forced department decisions to increase short-term interventions, such as overtime and the expansion of Community Ambassadors, to ensure an appropriate staffing response for the city.

We thank Mayor London Breed for her leadership and look forward to working with our elected officials to ensure our department receives this critical financial assistance.

News Release