Ingleside - Citizen of the Month - September 2018

One definition of community is a feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests and goals. Another definition is the people of a district or country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities; society. This month’s Community Member of the Month is Tom Murphy.
Tom Murphy was born and raised in the Excelsior District in the heart of the Ingleside Police District. Tom spent the first eleven years of his life residing at Edinburgh at Russia Street. Tom’s family moved to France at Athens Street where he lived until he was 18 years old. In 2002 Tom generated income for the Children’s playground renovation located at Moscow and Geneva Ave. by selling Jerry Garcia t-shirts. This playground still stands as a testament of his works. Tom Murphy would mention that he was born and raised in the Excelsior District which people would often reply “that’s where Dan White grew up.” Those of us who know the Dan White pages of San Francisco history would agree that no one would like to associate their community with that page of history. Tom learned the little known fact that Jerry Garcia grew up in the Excelsior District.
Tom would prefer that his neighborhood was associated with someone who had more positive historical value. After the Park renovation, Tom spearheaded the group who would rename the McLaren Park Amphitheater to the current name the “Jerry Garcia Amphitheater.” Tom did not stop there he has organized 16 Jerry Day Musical festivals where Jerry’s peaceful music has been played. The bands that perform are headline bands who often play in large coliseums. The JerryGarcia Band, Melvin Seals, Midnight North and Stu Allen are a few bands that have performed at the Amphitheater. Tom has generated support to place plaques that honor Jerry at Mission Street at Harrington Street and at Mission Street at Amazon Street. These plaques honor a true Excelsior/Ingleside musical legend who sent the message of love and peace. The Jerry Day shows bring in thousands of people who enjoy the music and the fellowship of our Excelsior neighborhood. McLaren Park, the surrounding merchants and the Ingleside community all benefit from Tom’s effort.
For this unending relentless work we recognize Tom Murphy as Community Member of the Month.
Citizen of the Month