Ingleside Station Newsletter - May 9, 2018

We often equate the term “resilience” with the ability to bounce-back after a traumatic incident occurs. This leads many to believe that our greatest moments of testing will be whether or not we can pick ourselves “up off of the mat” when knocked down by the heavyweight title holder (or in the lens of Bay Area disaster management “The 10.0 magnitude ‘Haywired’ earthquake.” The Institute of Heartmath, the neuroscientists at the forefront of developing resilience in the systems of the human body that sustain life when in energetic coordination, defines “resilience” as: “The capacity to prepare for, adapt to, and recover from stress, adversity, or challenge.” This definition broadens the lens in which we view resilience, specifically that we can invest our energy, time, willingness, and commitment now, so that we are all more prepared today than we were yesterday when the unthinkable happens. Ingleside Station is working hard to be resilience partners with all of our neighbors and neighborhoods and looks forward to promoting NEN’s Neighborfest and other initiatives in support of Neighborhood Watch, NERT, ALERT, and other community-building programs already in progress.

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