SFPD Officer Saves Man's Life with Naloxone Kit

On June 14, 2015 at approximately 5:52PM, a San Francisco Police officer responded to the corner of 16th and Capp Street on a report of an unidentified male rolling around in the middle of the street. Upon arrival, the officer observed the person lying face down unconscious, unresponsive, and exhibiting signs of shallow breathing.

The officer, observing the subject’s signs and symptoms, and obtaining information from various bystanders based on their observations, determined that he was experiencing an opiate overdose. The officer retrieved a department issued trauma kit, pulled out an opioid nasal Naloxone rescue kit, and administered one intranasal dose of naloxone hydrochloride in both of the subject’s nostrils. Shortly thereafter, the man’s eyelids began to flutter and he started moving his lips and extremities. Medics quickly arrived on scene and transported the person to San Francisco General Hospital.

The officer later called San Francisco General Hospital to see how the person was doing. A hospital representative stated that the person was treated and subsequently discharged from the hospital.

The June 14th incident marks the first time an SFPD officer used the Naloxone Kit to administer the medication to save the life of a person in crisis. “I have been a supporter of placing Naloxone Kits in SFPD vehicles since the Department of Public Health approached me with their proposal,” said Police Chief Greg Suhr. “One life lost to addiction is one life too many. We hope to build upon this success and following a review of the pilot program, I will recommend that every San Francisco Police Officer be trained in its use and every SFPD car be equipped with a Naloxone Kit.”

In March of 2015, the SFPD announced the Opiate Overdose Prevention and Treatment program. This two-year pilot program- funded by the San Francisco Department of Public Health Drug Overdose Prevention and Education (DOPE) Program- provides officers assigned to the Department’s Metro Division (Central, Southern, Mission, Northern and Tenderloin Stations) with training and Naloxone Kits to be used in cases of opiate overdose.

“San Francisco has made tremendous strides in preventing overdose deaths,” said Barbara Garcia, Director of Health. “By working directly with clients, we have learned a tremendous amount that helped inform our interventions, including other city agencies and first responders. Together, we have brought deaths from heroin overdoses down from 120 in 2000 to 10 each year between 2010 and 2012.”

The officer involved in this life saving rescue has been recommended for the Department’s “Life Saving Award” which is bestowed upon officers who directly intervene in a medical emergency, administer first aid and his/her intervention results in saving the person’s life. Chief Suhr, Director Garcia and DPH Medical Director of Substance Abuse Judith Martin, will be available at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, August 28th at Mission Station (630 Valencia Street), to discuss the Opiate Overdose Prevention and Treatment program. The officer who saved the man’s life will be on hand to demonstrate use of a Naloxone Kit.

#SFPD Officer Michael Mellone Saves Man's Life with Naloxone Kit.On June 14, 2015 at approximately 5:52PM, a San...

Posted by San Francisco Police Department on Friday, August 28, 2015

News Release