Guilty Verdict Handed Down on Former SFPD Officer

Today, a guilty verdict was handed down in Superior Court against former officer Paul Makaveckas. This verdict comes as a result of a joint FBI/SFPD criminal investigation initiated in March 2009. Makaveckas has been separated from the department since the onset of this investigation. The investigation, which resulted in the former officer's arrest in 2010, involved several allegations that Makaveckas accepted money from taxi applicants in lieu of the mandated application and testing process.

The SFPD fully cooperated with our partner agencies in securing this verdict. Chief Suhr is grateful to the FBI, the SFPD Special Investigations Division, and the D.A.'s Office for their thorough and comprehensive investigation into this matter.

The public’s trust is everything to us (SFPD) – as such, this case hasbeen one of great concern. The officer involved not only betrayed thepublic’s trust but also the trust of the honest, dedicated, men andwomen of this proud department who work so hard to keep this great Citysafe.

In 2011, on the day he was sworn in, Chief Suhr said,“There is no place in the San Francisco Police Department – andshouldn’t be in any police department - for a dishonest cop.” This willalways be the case.

News Release