February 7, 2018
San Francisco Police Department
Chief of Police Permits
Hearing Calendar for
Wednesday, February 07, 2018 - Revocation Hearing
Room 551 at 1:00 PM
Badillo, Jose V.
1229 Underwood Avenue
District: U
ID: 12960
Tow Car Firm
Permit #: 144079dba "Jose's Towing, LLC." 11/29/17 - Revocation Hearing for Tow Car Firm Permit #144079, granted on 07/12/17. Moved from 11/29/17 to 12/13/17. Revocation hearing moved from 12/13/17 to 01/10/18. Continued from 01/10/18 to 02/07/18.
Meaning of Abbreviations
BID = Building Inspection Division
Co.A = Central
CG = Conditional Grant
Co.B = Southern
CP = City Planning (Planning Department)
Co.C = Bayview
DIS = Disapproved
Co.D = Mission
DPH = Department Public Health
Co.E = Northern
EID = Electrical Inspection Division
Co.F = Park
FTA = Failure to Appear
Co.G = Richmond
N/A = Not Applicable
Co.H = Ingleside
NR = No Response
Co.I = Taraval
PID = Plumbing Inspection Division
Co.J = T.T.F. (Tenderloin Task Force)
SFFD = San Francisco Fire Department
W/N = Work Needed