SFPD, Walk SF, & SF Bike Coalition Working Together for Back to School Traffic Safety

School starts on Monday, August 18. The San Francisco Police Department, Walk SF, and The Bike Coalition will be working together to remind people using the roadways that children are back in school. Enforcement efforts on this day will highlight traffic safety and our commitment to Vision Zero. Enforcement will focus on distracted driving, driver’s failure to yield to pedestrians, and speeding in the 15 MPH School Safety Zones.

“At SFPD we know that education and enforcement are the key components to achieving Vision Zero,” said San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr. “As kids head back to school, the Police Department will be doing our part to make sure they get to and from school safely.”

We will have station personnel, school resource officers, and our traffic company taking enforcement action as the school year starts and all year long. We would like to remind drivers that school is back in session and to drive with caution as children will be walking and biking to school.

Walk SF and The Bike Coalition will have volunteers on hand to distribute safety material. More information can be found at the San Francisco Safe Routes to School Partnership visit www.sfsaferoutes.org.

News Release