Recap: 10/29/14 Post World Series Incidents

Approx 8:45 PM, shooting at 21st and Valencia. Adult male victim was shot in the arm and transported to SFGH with non-life threatening injuries.

There was a second shooting victim, that walked into SFGH. Also, non-life threatening injuries.

At approx. 11 PM, 24th and Valencia, a male victim was stabbed multiple times. Serious injuries at SFGH.

As fans gathered in the streets to celebrate, bonfires were ignited. There were a few locations where bonfires were set. Those have been extinguished by police and firefighters working together.

Reports of police using tear gas on the crowds are false. SFPD police personnel were assaulted with bottles on Market Street and Mission district. Officers in the Southern district were also struck with bottles, firecrackers and M80s. These objects were thrown at officers as they attempted to disperse crowds and assist firefighters extinguish bonfires. Multiple officers suffered injuries. Three officers were taken to San Francisco General Hospital for their injuries.

SFPD Arrests: 29 public intoxication (approx. 50% SF residents the other 50% outside SF.), 3 for assaults, 2 for gun possession).

News Release