Grand Opening of the Garfield Park Youth Book Corner

For the past two months, Officers from Mission Station have been working on a youth engagement project at Garfield Park. These Officers aspired to establish a youth book corner inside Garfield Park’s clubhouse.

This innovative project strives to broaden and build youth engagement efforts by creating and maintaining a place where neighborhood youth can have a safe, well lighted place to read or complete homework where uniformed Police Officers are present. The available books will cover many interests and age groups. This library will not require any type of membership for any child, nor return dates for any book. Children are encouraged to return books once they are finished or to share them with their siblings or friends.

The San Francisco Police Department would like to thank Mr. Alan Beatts, the owner of a Borderlands Books, a beloved Mission District neighborhood bookstore. Mr. Beatts informed his customers about this project and they responded by purchasing a large amount of books to donate to our cause. His efforts and the generous efforts of his customers helped make this project possible.

Please join Chief Suhr, Captain Perea and the Officers of Mission Station at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, which will be held on Tuesday, March 24th, 2015 at 4:30 P.M. to commemorate the grand opening of The Garfield Park Lending Library.
